The 7 Pillars of of Sex Addiction Treatment: No 5. Compassion

Two wings of recovery: due diligence and compassion

Many clients I work with do well with the ‘due diligence’ part of recovery.  On a regular basis they attend therapy, 12 Step meetings, work with a sponsor, work the 12 Steps, pray and meditate, etc.  But when it comes to compassion (the other wing of recovery), they struggle.  For many clients a significant part of treatment is opening to self-appreciation and being compassionate with oneself.

Basic elements of compassion:

  • forgiveness
  • empathy
  • acceptance
  • connecting with the Inner Ally

*recommended readings: Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach and Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff

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Berkeley, CA 94705

445 Bellevue Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610
(510) 394-2209

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